While reading part of a book by Max Lucado, “You’ll Get Through This,” I found this a great reminder for all of us on one thing to do when things just seem a little overwhelming. He writes, to “cling to the character of God. In changing times, we find our strength in an unchanging God.” Max suggests to write a list of the characteristics of God and dwell on them.
I’ve done this, printed it out, and now will read it each morning and any time that I feel myself overwhelmed or worrying. This is my list – feel free to adopt or create your own.
· God is still sovereign.
· He still knows my name.
· He is still the Creator and the One who Sustains the universe.
· God still sets up rulers and takes them down.
· His grace is still sufficient for me.
· The Spirit of God is always with me and available.
· Heaven is still promised.
· The grave is still temporary housing.
· God is still faithful.
· He is never surprised or caught off guard.
· He uses everything for His glory and our ultimate good.
· He uses tragedy, even pandemics, to accomplish His will, and His will is right, holy, and perfect.
· Sorrow may come in the night, but joy comes in the morning.
I would love for you to add to these....