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ONLINE SERVICES in English, Mandarin & Cantonese

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

Online Church

We welcome you to join us ONLINE. Here at North Balwyn Baptist Church, in place of our temporarily suspended Sunday service due COVID-19 restrictions, we now have regular online Sunday service. As a congregation we meet online on Sundays at 10am. If you would like to join us, please contact the office. Our service is also publicly available online to watch at your own time. Ways to view it: (1) Visit our website OR (2) Use our phone app NBB CHURCH OR (3) On YouTube, search North Balwyn Baptist Church

In addition to our regular English service, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, there is also available, sermons in Mandarin and Cantonese by Pastor Tony Wong. Pastor Tony Wong is our Pastor for the Chinese ministry. 每月第二及第四个主日,设有普通话及广东话讲道。We welcome you to pass the message on to your Chinese speaking family and friends. In times such as these, it would be wonderful for them to feel connected.

Many of our ministries have moved online. These ministries include CATALYST, our Youth Group (Years 7-12), and our Growth Groups.

We continue to seek to serve you and our community in new ways. Recently, we had a “contact-less” food drive where we collected food bags for Camcare who support the needy.

We welcome you to connect with us and in whatever way you feel comfortable. While our church office is closed to foot traffic, we are still contactable by phone (9859 8101), email ( and by appointment. So don’t let the current situation get you down. KEEP WELL & SAFE, KEEP PRAYING AND STAY CONNECTED.

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