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Worship Matters & Transforms

Being Transformed through Worship

Our God is a God who calls us to be transformed by him. When we come into faith through Jesus, and God enters into our life, he begins a work of transformation in our lives.

God does his work of transformation in us in lots of ways; though prayer, devotion, discipline, and through other Christian mentors, to name a few.

God can also do a work of transformation in us through worship.

Worship can transform us

Here are six ways that worshipping God on Sunday should transform the way we live for the rest if the week:

• Worshipping God should make us humble. If we see even a glimpse of the glory and splendour of God it will produce genuine humility in our hearts.

• Worshipping God should make us secure. The comfort and strength that corporate worship instils in us is more than the result of soothing music or familiar setting. It’s a reminder that nothing in heaven, hell or in between can “separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39)

• Worshipping God should make us grateful. Worshipping God rightly should open our eyes to God’s amazing grace. We remember how in Christ Jesus we are redeemed and reconciled to our Father, our greatest need  has been taken care of at the cross, therefore are able to abound in gratefulness and thanksgiving.

• Worshipping God should make us Holy. It is impossible for us to rightly consider God apart from his holiness –his wrath against sin, his steadfast opposition to injustice and his righteous judgement of the wicked. Although holiness is typically mocked or misunderstood in our culture it is precious in God’s sight. Worshipping God increases our awareness of His Holiness

• Worshipping God should make us loving. When we gather for corporate worship, what should capture our attention, stir our affections and solicit our adoration is God himself, revealed in Jesus. But as we gaze upon His glory, our affection and love for those He created will be deepened as well. Jesus said “If anyone say’s I love God and hates his brother he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.”  (1 John 4:20)

• Worshipping God should make us mission minded. We praise the God who desires that all people come to the knowledge of the truth and who doesn’t wish that any should perish (1Timothy 2: 4; 2 Peter 3: 9) How can we not want our family, friends, neighbours, co – workers and sometimes complete strangers to know about the magnificent Saviour that we worship? Why wouldn’t we tell them about the source of all truth, life and the meaning of real joy?

• Genuine worship changes lives. If worshippers leave a service with no thought of becoming more Godly in their lives, then the purpose of worship has not been achieved. If we come to a time of worship hoping merely fora good time, good music, great preaching then we have not experienced genuine worship. As we worship God intends to transform us into his image as we behold his glory and as we glorify God together on Sunday morning, God works in us, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. (Philippians 2:1-3)

Exerpts from Bob Kauflin’s book “Worship Matters – Bob Kauflin

Trevor Wells – Worship Coordinator NBBC

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